A Scottish Business History Network

Welcome to the Scottish Business History Network.

We aim to connect all those – both individuals and organisations – with an interest in Scottish business history and business archives in a way which:

  • develops communication, partnerships and networks
  • increases awareness and access
  • provides leadership, education and training

Our Network continues the advocacy and outreach work begun by the five-year National Strategy for Business Archives in Scotland 2011-16. It will provide case studies, training, toolkits, communication channels and other resources to support its key aims and objectives.


The history of each business is unique. We’ll be gathering and sharing case studies to demonstrate how business archive collections can become important business assets.

Similar case studies published by the National Strategy for Business Archives in Scotland are available on the Scottish Council on Archives website.


We’ll be providing and raising awareness of a variety of training events and online resources to help you, whether you are creating, caring for or using business archives.